"My biggest fear is death. I’m scared of going to bed angry with anyone because I never know if I’ll wake up and see them the next day . I’m scared because what if the last thing I said was something horrible and I can never take it back . This mostly derives from when I lost my little brother in a car accident. I didn’t know that was the last time I’d ever see him. If I knew , I’d give him a hug or a kiss or both. I only said “ I’ll see you when you get back , we can watch a movie then " . And that’s exactly why I try and keep my peace with everyone . Even if someone genuinely hurts me, I forgive them instantly . It’s good for the soul and mind. There’s actually no way to conquer fear completely but you can find ways to make things less scary by forgiving people and being nice to everyone you meet . You never know when the last time you say hi and bye to them will be. After all, death is inevitable. " -Shabnam Tanzania |